
인터뷰 대상 이미지

강사의 다른 강연


Applied Econometrics

  • 2010 년도 / 1 학기 / 정규강좌     CC BY-NC-ND
  • 사회과학>경영 · 경제>주제3
  • 강의 : 17   조회 : 2499  

This course is designed to provide a foundation of econometric analysis, with an emphasis on economic applications. Topics include estimation and tatistical inference in regression models. We will begin with a number of simplifying assumptions, and derive the properties of the estimators?validity and efficiency. We will then relax these assumptions one by one and explore
how these properties can be restored. The ultimate goal is actual applications of econometric methods using the real data and economic models, and therefore this course requires understanding of econometric software and computing skills.


관련 강연


추천 강연


최신 강연
