Johnmarshall Reeve, Ph.D.

인터뷰 대상 이미지

강사의 다른 강연


Learning and Motivation Science

  • 2009 년도 / 2 학기 / 정규강좌     CC BY-NC-ND
  • 교육학>교육일반>교육학
  • 강의 : 7   조회 : 1247  

Objectives of this course
1. To gain the knowledge base necessary to conduct research on student learning.
2. To gain the knowledge base necessary to conduct research on student motivation.
3. To understand where learning and motivation come from, how they change, and how to facilitate each.
4. To understand the interrelationships and interdependencies between learning and motivation.
5. To write a research proposal on the interrelationship between learning and motivation.

관련 강연


추천 강연


최신 강연
