
인터뷰 대상 이미지

강사의 다른 강연


Historical Sociology

  • 2012 년도 / 1 학기 / 정규강좌     CC BY-NC-ND
  • 사회과학>사회과학기타>사회학
  • 강의 : 13   조회 : 3317  

This course deals with premodern, modern & contemporary Korean history from comparative & historical perspective. Through genealogical approaches we will transgress border lines dividing nation-states and transcend ‘chronofetishism’ and ‘tempocentrism’ those are typical forms of ahistorcism and asociologism.
Unlike European countries living side by side with other sovereign nation-states within inter-state system, Korea was located in Northeast Asia surrounded by Chinese, Japanese, Russian and American Empires past and present. After introducing problematique and theory of historical sociology, we will proceed to cover substantial histories centered on Korea.
Students can understand the making of international and transnational relations of Korea on the one hand, and the constitution of Korean identity in liquid modernity on the other hand.


관련 강연


추천 강연


최신 강연
