
인터뷰 대상 이미지

강사의 다른 강연


International Trade Negotiations

  • 2009 년도 / 2 학기 / 정규강좌     CC BY-NC-ND
  • 사회과학>경영 · 경제>농업경제학
  • 강의 : 14   조회 : 2467  

This course provides an overview of the multilateral and bilateral trade institutions and their interactions in the global economy. Based on theory and principles of international laws, it explores strategies and approaches for various trade negotiations actually adopted by WTO member countries as well as decision analysis with understanding of national policies. Attention is given to the Agreement on Agriculture in the WTO. This course incorporates case studies for key trading countries and their trade disputes, and bilateral negotiation simulations. All class activities are held in English.


관련 강연


추천 강연


최신 강연
