
인터뷰 대상 이미지

강사의 다른 강연


Theories of Political Institutions

  • 2013 년도 / 2 학기 / 정규강좌     CC BY-NC-ND
  • 사회과학>사회과학기타>기타
  • 강의 : 13   조회 : 2441  

This course is designed to provide a survey of the political institutions--the “rules of the game"--in various democracies around the world. It will first introduce students to scientific approaches to analyzing institutions. Then, we will discuss constitutional designs to solve the principal-agent (delegation) problem in representative democracies. Next, we will compare the varying effects of different political institutions, including parliamentarism versus presidentialism, federalism versus unitary government, majoritarian electoral system versus proportional representation, two-party versus multiparty systems, unicameralism versus bicameralism, direct versus representative democracy, and majoritarian versus consociational government. After that, we will also consider institutions in dictatorships. Finally, given the consequences of institutions, we will deliberate over the origin or the choice of institutions.


관련 강연


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최신 강연
